Thursday 30 August 2012

An effort en route to Smile

OMG am late! I exclaimed as I suddenly remembered one of my very important meetings of the day with the realization that I got late for it. The day started off as hectic as usual. Con - calls, meetings, targets, tension Phew! Nouns those are used commonly by all corporates like us. "How can I get so engrossed in that report that i didn't pay heed to those non stop tickings of my wrist watch!!" I rushed through Russel Street with a frowning tensed look as the thoughts flashed through my mind.

My tired limbs which were trying hard to get me to the main road adjoining Park Street came to a sudden halt. A rugged figure in torn clothes and a haggard look was foraging vigorously in the waste-bin that was kept near a roadside food stall. He was busy pulling out each eaten away plates from the bin in search of some morsels of food remain. I stood motionless for a second and then strolled forward on my way. Something stopped me and made me turn back and it was nothing but the thought that 'can i make some effort to bring smile on that worn out face'! My effort en route to bring smile on that worn out face was to help him to afford the day's lunch.

I turned back and walked along towards my way but suddenly realized that my tensed, frowning look has taken the shape of a smiling face. It made my rest of the day!

Guyz the above mentioned is just an instance. The secret of happiness actually lies in making people around us happy. If we can make an effort to bring smile on others face, trust me that will surely give us also a reason to smile. We don't need to always go out in the society and plunge into some sort of social activities but we can incept the same with our parents, friends, associates or may be any x y z person whom we may come across in our daily life.

Life is a short journey and we all must realize the significance of the presence of each and every person and every small moments spent with them. We should make an effort to value the emotions and feelings of people around us. A bit of sacrifice on our part is just infinitesimal in comparison to the immense pleasure that we can get if our small endeavour can be the reason of someone's 'smile'.

In the present century of digitalization and growing technological advancement, an era when different social mediums have entangled the society in its tentacles, have we ever thought of the fact that our accelerating friend list on these sites is gradually abating our face to face contact with people and in turn its making us self centric - concerned only about our own footing in the life's race . We are losing our feelings of warmth for others and 'de facto' unknowingly creating a void around us.

We really need to spend some time and give it a thought! Wat Say?


  1. very true n touching..well compiled indeed.

  2. " To keep truth in sight you must keep yourself in sight and the world to you should be a mirror to reflect to you your image. And the world should be a mirror that you reflect upon.” A thought provoking message...indeed...

  3. I have always been a fan of your writing and your sensitivity...Its very important for people like us to be a bit aware of our surroundings. Good work dear! Do keep writing AND doing what you do best..bring a "smile" on people's face..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. too good and too true!!
    well compiled :)
